EHESS – Reading the State. Medieval Venice and its territories: representations, cartographies, literatures.

Workshop at the EHESS – École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales / Centre de Recherches Historiques – Paris
Organisé par Christophe Austruy (EHESS-CNRS, Centre de Recherches Historiques)
Giovanna Corazza (Università Ca’ Foscari – Venezia / University of Notre Dame, MSCA Fellow)

Maurice Aymard (EHESS/MSH) : Introduction
Jean-Charles Ducène : Venise chez les géographes arabes
Nathalie Bouloux : «Il primato di Venezia» dans les études géographiques aux XIVe et XVe siècles
Christophe Austruy
L’Arsenale Vecchio, l’Arsenale Novo e la Tana nella pianta di Fra’ Paolino.
Ipotesi sull’Arsenale di Venezia all’inizio del XIV secolo

Anna Pegoretti
A nord di Venezia: Dante cartografo e le Alpi centro-orientali

Theodore J. Cachey Jr.
Il cosmo di Dante: automappature ed esilio

Fragonard at the Musée du Luxembourg

Pen on watercolour paper (perforated on top)
20 x 30 cm
November 2015

I made this drawing on invitation at the Musée du Luxembourg, in Paris, during the exhibition dedicated to Jean-Honoré Fragonard.
A few days after the November 2015 attacks, in a militarised and frightened Paris, I sought an evening of peace in the drawing. Given my state of mind, my drawing was reduced to a single panel, where I represented the works, their sensuality in a context so contrasted with the situation I was in. I wanted to represent in the work also to the other artists present, considering our work, like the works we study, an act of resistance against barbarism and obscurantism.

The ballad of Sexual Dependency

On the occasion of the release of Nan Goldin’s film All the beauty and the bloodshed, I offer these drawings made during the screening at the Philharmonie de Paris in 2015, with music by the Tiger Lillies.

The Ballad of Sexual Dependency, made between 1979 and 1986, is one of Nan Goldin’s earliest photographic series, but remains today, and rightly so, the best known of all her works. The slide show projected on a large screen is accompanied by the Tiger Lillies. A London musical trio, they are dark, provocative and blasphemous, grimacing with their Brechtian inspiration which fits perfectly with the images. The Ballad of Sexual Dependency is a masterpiece, an authentic chronicle of modern times.


Nan Goldin, fotography

The Tiger Lillies
Martyn Jacques, Adrian Stout, Jonas Golland

* Source: Philharmonie de Paris

Fanzines at the BNF

Free press and fanzines: the alternative press in France, from the 1960s to the present day

A real mass phenomenon, with its own codes, distribution networks and events on the fringes of mainstream culture, the alternative press remains little known in France.

Appearing by the hundreds in the wake of May ’68 and the British and American counterculture, independent newspapers and sheets offer a young public the subjects that the “serious” press dismisses – pop and rock music, ecology, nuclear power, regionalist movements, sexuality, street entertainment, feminism, pacifism -, treated in an iconoclastic and radical tone. Charlie Hebdo, Actuel and Le Parapluie are the most successful and enduring flagships of an underground wave that was sweeping through a generation of baby-boomers who were building their own culture as an alternative to the dominant ideology.*

*text @ BNF :

POVEGLIA – The Project

POVEGLIA – the “great project”
Pens on paper (Carnet)

It’s not over, quite the contrary. After the wonderful Festival delle Arti Giudecca, Sacca Fisola that will forever remain in my heart as a magnificent memory, the work continues. Until an important turning point, the discussion on the completed draft of the urban park project on the island of Poveglia. Long and difficult discussion among the tireless people of Poveglia Per Tutti, but nothing is left to chance. We will go all the way and we will not give up Poveglia.